Healing Instructions
Lotion Healing Instructions
Leave bandage on for 2 hours. Tegaderm bandages left on for 24 hours.
Wash hands with warm to hot water for 20 seconds with liquid antibacterial hand soap
Lather hands again and apply directly to fresh tattoo
Apply subtle pressure to tattoo while scrubbing with your clean hands
Rinse tattoo by applying warm water directly from hand to tattoo
Dab dry with paper towel.
Repeat every 3 hours or upon sight of plasma for 24 hrs
Starting at the 24 hour mark lasting to 2 week mark.
After washing, apply small amount of unscented water based lotion evenly
Apply lotion in small circles, applying medium pressure, as if it was a light massage.
Repeat every 3-4 hours for 2 weeks
If skin becomes super tight and/or itchy try applying lotion in shorter intervals
Skin will start to peel and flake towards the end of the first week. Do no pick at the peeling skin.
Let it fall off on it’s own.
If a scab appears do not pick at it or try to remove it. It will have best results if left alone.
Do no soak the fresh tattoo in water. Showers are ok but do not blast hot water onto fresh
tattoo. Wash the tattoo last in the shower.
Sleep in freshly clean bed sheets, it may be recommended to sleep in a clean article of clothing
as well.
Keep fresh tattoo away from all pets and young children.
No swimming for 3-6 weeks after tattoo.
No direct sunlight/sunbathing/tanning on a fresh tattoo.
Use sunblock on your tattoo forever. And ever. And ever. Sunlight will breakup your tattoo
pigment and eat it up over time. You’ve spent a lot of money and pain on your tattoo, don’t ruin it.
Tegaderm Healing
Allow tattoo to air dry for 15 minutes after washing and dab drying with a paper towel.
Replace dermal bandage with new one, allowing 1-2 inches of extra coverage around the tattoo.
Leave new bandage on for 3-4 days. If it becomes soiled inside the bandage change sooner, if it
is nice and dry inside the bandage leave on until the 4 day mark.
Wash the tattoo thoroughly before rebandaging. Always a
7-10 days of coverage for optimal healing.
Use recommended lotion for the remainder of 2 weeks.