Healing Instructions

Lotion Healing Instructions

  • Leave bandage on for 2 hours. Tegaderm bandages left on for 24 hours.

  • Wash hands with warm to hot water for 20 seconds with liquid antibacterial hand soap

  • Rinse

  • Lather hands again and apply directly to fresh tattoo

  • Apply subtle pressure to tattoo while scrubbing with your clean hands

  • Rinse tattoo by applying warm water directly from hand to tattoo

  • Dab dry with paper towel.

  • Repeat every 3 hours or upon sight of plasma for 24 hrs

    Starting at the 24 hour mark lasting to 2 week mark.

  • After washing, apply small amount of unscented water based lotion evenly

  • Apply lotion in small circles, applying medium pressure, as if it was a light massage.

  • Repeat every 3-4 hours for 2 weeks

  • If skin becomes super tight and/or itchy try applying lotion in shorter intervals

  • Skin will start to peel and flake towards the end of the first week. Do no pick at the peeling skin.

    Let it fall off on it’s own.

  • If a scab appears do not pick at it or try to remove it. It will have best results if left alone.

  • Do no soak the fresh tattoo in water. Showers are ok but do not blast hot water onto fresh

    tattoo. Wash the tattoo last in the shower.

  • Sleep in freshly clean bed sheets, it may be recommended to sleep in a clean article of clothing

    as well.

  • Keep fresh tattoo away from all pets and young children.

  • No swimming for 3-6 weeks after tattoo.

  • No direct sunlight/sunbathing/tanning on a fresh tattoo.

  • Use sunblock on your tattoo forever. And ever. And ever. Sunlight will breakup your tattoo

    pigment and eat it up over time. You’ve spent a lot of money and pain on your tattoo, don’t ruin it.

    Tegaderm Healing

  • Allow tattoo to air dry for 15 minutes after washing and dab drying with a paper towel.

  • Replace dermal bandage with new one, allowing 1-2 inches of extra coverage around the tattoo.

  • Leave new bandage on for 3-4 days. If it becomes soiled inside the bandage change sooner, if it

    is nice and dry inside the bandage leave on until the 4 day mark.

  • Wash the tattoo thoroughly before rebandaging. Always a

  • 7-10 days of coverage for optimal healing.

  • Use recommended lotion for the remainder of 2 weeks.